Wrongly Confined
A Disability Rights Vermont Report
in Consultation with Melodie Peet, M.P.H.
March 2020
For a number of months DRVT has intensified our work at assisting people to secure community placements when medically cleared for discharge from inpatient facilities. As part of the process we have tried to collect our own data, other outside data and utilize national expertise to be able to frame what has become a serious issue in a meaningful way. Attached is the outcome of that effort.
Having watched the evolution of our systems of support for people with disabilities for some time we are concerned that momentum seems to be towards developing inpatient capacity, seemingly at the expense of a community-based system that has largely been an effective one.
DRVT presents this report in the spirit of a challenge for us all to work together towards revitalizing a system that is the least institutional in the country.
If you have any questions, please contact DRVT at ed@DisabilityRightsVt.org, by phone at 802-229-1355 x.102, or by mail at DRVT, 141 Main St. Ste. 7, Montpelier, VT 05602. Thank you!