Housing Discrimination
Vermont Tenants
Vermont Tenants services are provided by the Housing Advocacy team and are available to renters anywhere in Vermont.
Toll-Free: (800) 287-7971
Phone: (802) 864-0099
Human Rights Commission
The mission of the Vermont Human Rights Commission (VHRC) is to promote full civil and human rights in Vermont. The Commission protects people from unlawful discrimination in housing, state government employment, and public accommodations.
12 Baldwin Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05633
Phone: (802) 828-2480
Email: human.rights@vermont.gov
Information about Service Animals
Vermont Legal Aid/Legal Services Vermont (Housing Discrimination Project)
Free legal help for Vermonters facing housing discrimination.
Phone: (800) 889-2047
Fair Housing Project
The Fair Housing Project is one of CVOEO’s statewide Housing Advocacy Programs. We work to eradicate illegal housing discrimination and increase housing opportunity and choice in Vermont.
255 South Champlain Street
P.O. Box 1603
Burlington, Vermont 05402
Phone: (800) 287-7971
Call 2-1-1 to find a shelter near you.
List of Emergency Shelter Providers in Vermont
Pathways Vermont
Pathways Vermont’s mission is to end homelessness in Vermont and provide innovative mental health alternatives.
PO Box #127
Winooski, VT 05404
Phone: (888) 492-8218
Email: info@pathwaysvermont.org
Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness
VCEH seeks to end homelessness in Vermont through sharing information, developing resources, providing a forum for decision making and promoting decent, safe, fair, affordable housing for all.
PO Box 944
Montpelier VT 05601
Email: Helpingtohousevt@gmail.com
Vermont State Housing Authority – Rapid Rehousing
Rapid Rehousing (RRH) serves households experiencing literal homelessness, who have varying levels of service needs, with medium-term rental assistance (up to 24 months). RRH providers either deliver direct services or coordinate them with local partners.
1 Prospect Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05602
Phone: (802) 828-3295
Homeless Healthcare Program (CHCB)
HCH programs are community-based and provide comprehensive primary care, mental health and substance abuse services, oral health care as well as supportive services (education, translation, transportation, etc.) that promote access to health care at no cost.
Community Health Centers
617 Riverside Ave
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: (802) 864-6309
Committee On Temporary Shelter (COTS)
COTS advocates for long-term solutions to end homelessness and provides emergency shelter, services, and long-term housing for people who are experiencing homelessness or are marginally housed.
95 North Ave
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: (802) 864-7402
Feeding Champlain Valley
Feeding Champlain Valley works to alleviate hunger by feeding people & cultivating opportunities. Our services include education and training, grocery distribution, meal production, food rescue, deliveries to homes and food access sites, an online market, food kiosks, and a food truck.
228 North Winooski Ave.
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: (802) 658-7939
Good Samaritan Haven
Good Samaritan Haven is a Vermont nonprofit that provides emergency assistance to people experiencing homelessness.
Phone: (802) 479-2294
End Homelessness Vermont
End Homelessness VT is currently working to assist people experiencing unsheltered and sheltered homelessness in Vermont. Recently a large number of Vermonters were unsheltered from motels by the State of Vermont and we are working to support our neighbors and community members with resources, direct aid and more. We also provide support through the initial voucher and renewal process when people are having a problem getting renewed or are wrongfully removed from the cohort.
Phone: (802) 489-6534
Email: endhomelessnessvt@gmail.com
Affordable Housing
Housing Contingency Fund (Guidelines)
List of Affordable Rental Housing Properties in Vermont
Vermont State Housing Authority – Rental Assistance Program
1 Prospect Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05602
Phone: (802) 828-3295
Fax: (802) 828-3248
TDD: (800) 798-3118
Message Line: (800) 820-5119
BROC Community Action
BROC’s mission it to provide hope, opportunity and a path forward out of crisis or poverty so our neighbors and communities thrive.
Serving Rutland and Bennington Counties
Rutland: (802) 775-0878
Bennington (802) 775-0878
Email: HelloBROC@broc.org
CAPSTONE Community Action
CAPSTONE is dedicated to creating resilient households and communities and to advancing justice in social, economic and environmental policy. CAPSTONE empower individuals with the tools and resources to move beyond poverty.
Serving Lamoille, Orange and Washington Counties
Lamoille: (802) 888-7993
Orange East: (802) 222-5419
Orange West: (802) 728-9506
Washington: (802) 476-4493
Champlain Housing Trust
The communities of northwest Vermont will have a stock of permanently affordable homes to assure that the region will be diverse and inclusive, with safe and decent housing for all people, supported by services and programs that enhance health and opportunity.
88 King Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: (802) 862-6244
Email: info@getahome.org
Housing Accessibility & Modifications
Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL)
VCIL’s mission is to promote the dignity, independence and civil rights of Vermonters with disabilities.
Phone: (802) 229-0501 (voice / TTY)
TTY: (800) 639-1522
Fax: (802) 229-0503
Email: info@vcil.org
VCIL’s Home Access Program provides home entry and bathroom accessibility modifications for low-income Vermonters with physical disabilities so they can remain in their homes.
VCIL’s Sue Williams Freedom Fund provides funding for services and equipment to help people with disabilities achieve or maintain independence in their own homes. SWFF can help with things such as dentures, air purifiers, scooters, and many other items.