Vermont Family Network (VFN)
The mission of Vermont Family Network is to empower and support all Vermont children, youth, and families, especially those with disabilities or special health needs.
Help-Line: 1-800-800-4005
Phone: (802) 876-5315
Disability Law Project (Vermont Legal Aid)
The Disability Law Project (DLP) represents people with civil legal problems related to their disability. DLP provides a range of services from brief counsel and advice to full representation to eligible clients and their family members.
Toll-Free: 1-800-889-2047
Vermont Parent Representation Center
VPRC provides families in crisis with free legal assistance and social work services to enable children to stay with their parents safely. They strive to work to keep children out of foster care entirely or to keep their time in care to a minimum.
Department of Children and Families
SAGE Institute for Adaptive Parenting
SAGE Institute for Adaptive Parenting is an assessment, training, and consulting practice specializing in meeting the needs of parents with disabilities and their children.
Phone: (802) 242-0998
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI VT)
NAMI Vermont supports, educates, and advocates so that all communities, families, and individuals affected by mental health challenges can build better lives.
600 Blair Park Road, Suite 301
Williston VT 05495
Toll-Free: 1-800-639-6480
Vermont Federation for Children’s Mental Health
The Vermont Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health exists to support families and children where a child or youth, age 0-22, is experiencing or at risk of experiencing emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges.
1233 Shelburne Rd, Suite 490
South Burlington, VT 05403
Toll-Free: 1-800-639-6071
Spectrum Youth Services
Our mission is to empower teenagers, young adults, and their families to make and sustain positive changes through prevention, intervention, and life skills services.
Burlington: (802) 864-7423 ext 312
St. Albans: (802) 777-8749
Center on Disability and Community Inclusion
Phone: (802) 656-4031
Fax: (802) 656-1357
Elevate Youth Services
Elevate Youth Services is a Vermont-based non-profit that empowers youth to achieve fulfilling, healthy lives and advocates for the well-being of all youth. For nearly 50 years, we’ve served youth in Washington County and beyond. Our programs range from a drop-in teen center to one-on-one counseling and family therapy; we provide shelter for homeless youth, substance use treatment, and assistance with education, employment, housing, and more.
652 Granger Rd, Suite 2
Barre VT 05641
Phone: (802) 229-9151
Fax: (802) 229-2508
Families First
Families First provides person-centered support for people living with disabilities so they can experience full & true lives. Our vision is to create an environment where people living with disabilities are valued and respected as contributing members of the community.
11 University Way
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: (802) 275-4919
Fax: (802) 275-4922